Friday, February 5, 2010

Business Savy?

I recently read the Knockout Entrepreneur by George Foreman. I was pretty disappointed by this book. It seemed random and scattered and repetitive. It also seemed like a glorified advertisement for George Foreman and the products he endorses. I was hoping for a book that would give me solid business advice as I pursue building my own Mary Kay business.
I found this book to be a way for George Foreman to "toot his own horn" and I was very disappointed.

I would like to thank BookSneeze for allowing me to read and review this book!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back to our regular schedule!

It is really nice to be back to our regular schedule! I loved having my kiddos and husband home for the holidays but it is really nice to get back to being more productive with a little "free" time for myself to accomplish some things, especially as I try to really grow my Mary Kay business! I have some BIG goals for myself, our family and my business this year! I've been reflecting on these catagories and what I would like my goals to be in each: Spiritual, Health, Family, Relationships, Mary Kay, Fitness & Financial. I can't wait to look back and see how much I've (we've) grown, accomplished, etc.
Some of our big goals include:
- to find a house we LOVE and move!
- to discover what my husband wants to call his career and really pursue a job change.
- to grow my Mary Kay business in ways I can only dream about at this point!
- to (as a family) start volunteering with Kids Food Basket - because NO child should ever have to wonder whether or not they will have food for their next meal!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our entertainment

We've had a lot of time at home lately between snow days and now Christmas vacation. One of our entertaining items is the beautiful amaryllis my husband bought me! We've had so much fun watching it grow from a simple bulb to a gorgeous flower that has opened up more than we expected! I guess that simple growth and beauty during the winter really lifts our spirits!  

Friday, December 18, 2009

Snow day fun!

Last week my kiddos had 3 snow days in a row. Day 1: I was excited... I had a craft planned, the groceries purchased, etc. Day 2: I was thinking I was running out of "tricks up my sleeve" but we stayed busy. Day 3: I was thinking "oh boy, think of something fun and do it quick!" We had literally stayed inside for 2 full days (day 1 was too wet to go sledding and day 2 was too frigid cold to sled) so by day 3 we really needed to get out. So without driving anywhere, I needed a plan. Thankfully, we live behind Target! It was still a VERY cold walk over but worth it! I challenged my kiddos to find the best "treasures" they could for $2.00. We had a lot of fun walking around, just taking our time since we had nowhere we had to be. My son, of course, had a plan to find a toy with his money. My daughter, on the other hand, wanted to be more creative. Here is what they came up with!  

Taylor with her "groovy" glasses!                  Austin with his matchbox cars!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Locks of LOVE!

Taylor had been growing her hair out for quite some time in order to donate it to Locks of Love. Well, the haircut date could not get scheduled soon enough for me! (her hair was looking so stringy) Taylor wanted to schedule her haircut during Christmas break so she could go back to school with her new look. I knew I couldn't handle looking at that hair that much longer. So I, thankfully, was able to convince her to get it cut during Thanksgiving break. Taylor was unsure about losing all that length, but it didn't take long for her to see how much fun she can have with her shorter look! And in all seriousness, I'm so proud of her for donating her hair to help someone in need! I keep picturing a young cancer patient who will get to use Taylor's hair as their wig!


                                                        After - YEAH!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wow... its been awhile, hasn't it?

I have not blogged in so long! Shame on me! It's not because our family hasn't done anything exciting, just the opposite! We stay very busy! It is very difficult for me to take the time to blog! But a couple snow days and my new, fast computer and I'm ready to get back to blogging! So along with posting family updates and photos, I think I should do a Mary Kay giveaway in the near future! 
So, Happy Snow Day to you! It's good to be back! :-) 

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Something I've looked forward to....

Our family has been VERY busy with camping, kid's b-days, getting ready to move, etc. However, that didn't stop me from anxiously awaiting the release of the new Daughtry cd this past Tuesday! I don't buy that many brand new cds but there are a few groups that I simply must get their cd as soon as it is released - Daughtry is one of those groups! I was in great need of some new music to enjoy! I have been listening to it for the past 2 days and LOVE IT!